Chola Impressions - An ISO certified company
Chola Impressions - An ISO certified company
Re-discovering Indian Arts
Exclusive Lord Balaji Realistic Tanjore Painting -  with American Diamonds
Exclusive Lord Balaji Realistic Tanjore Painting -  with American Diamonds
Exclusive Lord Balaji Realistic Tanjore Painting -  with American Diamonds
Exclusive Lord Balaji Realistic Tanjore Painting -  with American Diamonds
Exclusive Lord Balaji Realistic Tanjore Painting -  with American Diamonds
Exclusive Lord Balaji Realistic Tanjore Painting -  with American Diamonds

Exclusive Lord Balaji Realistic Tanjore Painting - with American Diamonds

  • Exclusive Painting of realistic portrayal of Lord Balaji with Sole focus on the God than the other surrounding decorations. Minimalistic yet Opulent
  • 3.3 ft x 1.8 ft including the frame
  • Super embossed Tanjore Painting of Lord Tirupati Balaji Pada Lakshmi decorated with American Diamonds on the crown, necklace, shanku and chakkaram
  • Statue like 3D painting mounted on Teak wood frame
  • Made using Authentic 22 Carat Gold, studded with American Diamonds
₹49,999.00 ₹70,000.00

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Product Details
Tanjore Paintings
  • Frame type
    Mani/ Beaded
  • Front Cover
    Unbreakable Acrylic
  • Foil
    Authentic 22 carat gold foil
  • Finish Type
    Super Embossed with American DIamonds
  • Time to ship from order date
    6-12 working days
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