Chola Impressions - An ISO certified company
Chola Impressions - An ISO certified company
Re-discovering Indian Arts

How to differentiate authentic Tanjore from Mysore style

02.05.15 09:14 PM By Admin

Following are the key differences between Mysore and Tanjore paintings. 
Though, it should be noted that the current day Tanjore painting methodology is slightly different from the ancient methodology as already discussed in the previous posts

Tanjore Traditional ArtMysore Traditional Art
Base is cloth mounted on wood.Base is paper, mounted on canvas or wood.
For gesso effects, raw lime powder with a tamarind seed paste used.White lead (safeda), and Makhi Gaboge(yellow) taken from Revana Chinni Halujuice is used; this has a golden tint.
Gesso is applied in high reliefGesso is applied in low relief
Gold coated silver wafers are usedPure gold wafers are used
The coating is less durableThe gesso work is much more long lasting
Numerous other ingredients like pearls, glass, and amber is used for embellishingTraditional works are devoid of such colorful decor.
Most depict  scenes from Hindu mythologies.Dresses and ornaments reflect period fashions, with close affinity to the Mysore kings. Architecture, designs closely resemble art found in  the palaces of Wodeyars and in old-Mysore homes.


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